Chapter 1 Test Review

001 Chapter 1
Created: 8:57:26 AM CDTStudent: _________________________________________________________
1. The belief that natural processes were caused by forces that could be understood dates back about 
A.  250 years.
B.  2,500 years.
C.  25,000 years.
D.  250,000 years.
2. An investigator who conducts an experiment to determine how the rate at which the heart beats is affected by temperature changes is most likely to be a(an) 
A.  anatomist.
B.  physiologist.
C.  chemist.
D.  biochemist.
3. The axial portion of the body includes 
A.  the dorsal cavity.
B.  the ventral cavity.
C.  Both the dorsal cavity and the ventral cavity are true.
D.  Neither dorsal cavity nor ventral cavity are true.
4. The ability of an organism to sense changes that take place within its body would be an example of 
A.  movement.
B.  respiration.
C.  responsiveness.
D.  none of the choices are correct.
5. Which of the following includes all the others? 
A.  excretion
B.  digestion
C.  respiration
D.  metabolism
6. Which of the following processes is not concerned with maintaining the life of an adult organism? 
A.  responsiveness
B.  movement
C.  reproduction
D.  metabolism
7. Of the items listed, which is not required for the maintenance of life? 
A.  water
B.  food
C.  carbon dioxide
D.  pressure
8. Homeostasis refers to 
A.  changing external conditions.
B.  stable external conditions.
C.  changing internal conditions.
D.  stable internal conditions.
9. Which of the following provides the best example of a homeostatic mechanism? 
A.  shivering that occurs as body temperature drops
B.  increasing body temperature that occurs during exercise
C.  decreasing body temperature that occurs during sleep
D.  varying body temperature that occurs during illness
10. Which of the following lists best illustrates the idea of increasing levels of organization? 
A.  cells, tissues, organelles, organs, systems
B.  tissues, cells, organs, organelles, systems
C.  organs, organelles, systems, cells, tissues
D.  organelles, cells, tissues, organs, systems
11. Which of the following organs occupies the pelvic cavity? 
A.  urinary bladder
B.  kidneys
C.  liver
D.  spleen
12. The membrane on the surface of a lung is called the 
A.  visceral pleura.
B.  parietal pleura.
C.  visceral pericardium.
D.  parietal pericardium.
13. When a body is in the anatomical position, it is 
A.  standing erect with the face forward.
B.  standing erect with the face turned to the side.
C.  lying on the back with the face forward.
D.  lying on the back with the face turned to the side.
14. A part that is closer to the head than something else is said to be 
A.  anterior.
B.  posterior.
C.  superior.
D.  inferior.
15. A section that separates the body into right and left portions would be a 
A.  frontal section.
B.  transverse section.
C.  coronal section.
D.  sagittal section.
16. Which of the following is a vital sign? 
A.  body temperature
B.  blood pressure
C.  pulse rate
D.  All of the choices are correct.
17. CT scanning makes use of 
A.  X rays.
B.  radioactive isotopes.
C.  powerful magnets.
D.  radio waves.
18. The anatomy of a body part is closely related to its physiology. 
True    False
19. A cell represents the basic unit of structure and function of an organism. 
True    False
20. The diaphragm separates the thoracic and the abdominopelvic cavities. 
True    False
21. The parietal pericardium is attached to the surface of the heart. 
True    False
22. The organ systems responsible for integration and coordination are the nervous and endocrine systems. 
True    False
23. The ears are lateral to the eyes. 
True    False
24. The elbow is distal to the wrist. 
True    False
25. The muscular system is responsible for body movements, maintenance of posture, and production of body heat. 
True    False
26. The digestive system filters wastes from the blood, and helps maintain fluid and electrolyte balance. 
True    False
27. The parietal pleura is an example of a visceral membrane. 
True    False
28. The oral, nasal, orbital, and middle ear cavities are located in the dorsal cavity. 
True    False
The branch of science that deals with the structure of human body parts is called __________. 
The branch of science that deals with the functions of human body parts is called __________. 
The process by which food substances are chemically changed into simpler forms that can be absorbed is called __________. 
The most abundant chemical substance in the human body is ____________. 
The weight of the air produces a force called __________. 
The traits humans share with all other living things are called ____________________. 
The term “____________” implies an increase in body size without any important changes in shape. 
A group of similar cells that are organized into a layer or mass constitutes a(an) __________. 
Small parts within cells that carry on specific functions are called __________. 
The __________ is the fundamental unit of structure and function of an organism.